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Development - ENGLISH - Historical, Comedy

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A Hysterically Accurate Story...Maybe

Year of production : 2021

Director(s) : Jonathan NEWTON
Producer(s) : Lucinda BRUCE (LADY OF THE LIGHT PRODUCTIONS), Jonathan NEWTON (iShoot Images)


We know what you’re thinking. “Oh God, not another Ned Kelly movie!!” We get it. We feel the same way. Let’s face it; Bushranger movies do not sell, nor do they make money. Heath Ledger’s Ned Kelly cost US$30m and made only US$6.6m back. True History of the Kelly Gang was made for US$10m and made less than $500,000! However what does sell when done properly is comedy! at’s why we’ve taken this well-known Australian story and twisted it right around; just as Monty Python did for Life of Brian.N
Ned Kelly feels that he has been dealt a bad hand in life as he and his family always seem to be the ones to blame. As time goes on and things get worse for him and his family, he seeks revenge against the Victorian Police for all the injustice he feels they are responsible for. And things ‘would’ go according to plan, if only he wasn’t surrounded by so many stupid people.O
Oh, Not Another Ned Kelly Movie follows the chronological events of Ned Kelly, his gang and their plights; however what makes this so very different from any other Ned Kelly movie is that you never know how each scene is going to play out. Yes, he becomes a bushranger. Yes, he is captured and yes, he dies - history tells us that. In this case however, by turning reality on its head and bringing a sense of wackiness and non-sensical thinking towards the story and making the characters larger than life in a comedic way, we end up with a movie that has the intellectual humour style of Monty Python an
and the slapstick humour style of Mel Brooks. To stay respectful to Ned Kelly himself, he is portrayed in this movie in a very straight and serious way, just like Brian was in Life of Brian. is adds to the comedy, where the leader is serious but everyone else is a fool - a classic comedy formula.


Country(ies) : AUSTRALIA

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