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Completed - BULGARIAN - Drama - 100 minutes

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During the last years of the communist regime in Bulgaria, stage actor
Alexandre Petrov is banned from being on stage without any apparent
motives. When he reappears, after the demise of the regime, he discovers that he
had been denounced by the man, he admired most, his master and friend.

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2013 (Premiere)
Full history

Year of production : 2013

Director(s) : Gueorgui BALABANOV
Writer(s) : Gueorgui BALABANOV, Jean-Claude CARRIERE
Cast : Mikhail BILALOV, Hristo SHOPOV, Radina KARDJILOVA

Producer(s) : Dimitar GOTCHEV (CAMERA), Marcel LENZ (Ostlicht Filmproduktion), Guido SCHWAB (Ostlicht Filmproduktion)


During the last years of the communist regime in Bulgaria, stage actor Alexandre Petrov is banned from being on stage without any apparent motives. When he reappears, after the demise of the regime, he discovers that he had been denounced by the man, he admired most, his master and friend.
He discovers about those facts at the very moment that he has to deliver a funeral speech in the honor of this man. Devastated, Petrov declares that he is giving up his public life. This is when Markov, an old acquaintance but also a former director of the Secret Services, turned into a successful businessman, offers his help. In those years 94-95, the country is whirling into wild capitalism, dreadful violence and gang wars. Markov, an admirer of Petrov’s stage talents, offers him to become the head figure of a new political party aiming at rescuing a torn apart country. Petrov is unsure but then accepts.
The film tells this adventure where the illusions of the stage collide with political aspirations, where masked characters are confronting other masks, where friendships are staged and revenges are carried secretly.
In this act, the omnipotent Markov, a typical manipulator as well as Petrov, a dreamed actor, will lose their lives as our fable tells that sooner or late, you are trapped by the very same trap you have laid. The story ends when Alexandra, Petrov’s only daughter, is offered this poisonous legacy.


Country(ies) : BULGARIA, GERMANY

Financing plan : With the support of MDM Germany, Eurimages

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