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Completed - ENGLISH - Action/Adventure

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Revenge Means Never Having To Say Your Sorry.

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2011 (Debut)
Full history

Year of production : 2011

Director(s) : Michael WRIGHT
Writer(s) : Michael WRIGHT
Cast : Allison CARROLL, Chloe HENRY, Dorrien Rose DUINKER, Faja LOURENS, Jeroen POST, Michael MADSEN, Rik SINKELDAM, Semmy SCHILT

Producer(s) : Doug MARSCHKE, Jason ROGAN, Maurice ENGELEN


"Amsterdam Heavy" is the action fueled story of one man's relentless quest for revenge, as, against all the odds, he smuggles himself back to his home city, arriving with nothing but his fists and a burning desire for retribution.
The film takes us on a roller-coaster journey into the violent, criminal heart of Amsterdam, with diverse characters, fast set pieces, a streak of dark humor and a twist that opens up rich sequel opportunities.
"Amsterdam Heavy" is a surprising and original take on the action genre, with gritty fight scenes, captured by a dynamic fast-moving camera, looking at one of the world's greatest cities in a new and intriguing way.
"Amsterdam Heavy" is propelled by two key ingredients; action and characters. The film not only showcases a series of action packed fights, but an array of larger-than-life, cool characters, throwing punches and spitting out drop-dead one liners as the action builds to its nail-biting edge-of-your-seat crescendo.


Country(ies) : USA

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