Production - JAPANESE - Drama, Animation
A story written by Seiko Tanabe, which was adapted into live-action film in 2003, will come back to theaters as a full-length animation film. Studio bones and the talented staff will deliver an impressive character portrayal using animation expression techniques to tell the young and exciting love s
Year of production : 2020 Director(s) : Kotaro TAMURA
Josee is a girl who loves painting and reading books. She is a wheelchair user and lives with her grandmother. Living with her old grandma, Josee never really lived life outside her home. She finally decides to jump out to the curious world outside when she meets Tsuneo, a university student studying marine biology.At first, Josee and Tsuneo don’t get along. However, Josee overcomes her shyness and opens her heart after having many experiences for the first time. The first trip to the beach, the first shopping experience, the first friend with mutual hobbies, etc… Gradually, Josee and Tsuneo develop affection toward each other.By falling in love, Josee begins to understand the society, discovers her own potential and hope of life. In the meantime, Tsuneo gets involved in a traffic accident which forces him to give up his plan for studying abroad. Josee begins to draw a picture book on a drawing paper for Tsuneo, and for herself…
Country(ies) : JAPAN
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