THE FOLD (Past Film)
SALES All rights, World
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Completed - ENGLISH - Drama - 89 minutes

Log Line

A family blown apart, a stranger in their midst. During the Cornish daffodil harvest Anglican priest Rebecca Ashton forms a volatile friendship with teenage migrant worker Radka Dimitrova.

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2012 (Debut)
  • Toronto 2012 (Line up)
  • AFM 2012 (Line up)
  • Berlin EFM 2013 (Line up)
Full history

Year of production : 2012

Director(s) : John JENCKS
Writer(s) : Poppy COGAN
Cast : Catherine MCCORMACK, Dakota Blue RICHARDS, Marina STOIMENOVA

Producer(s) : Jay TAYLOR, Alexa SELIGMAN


A teenage girl lies dead on the floor of a swimming pool.
Ten months later, Anglican priest Rebecca Ashton (Catherine McCormack) moves to Cornwall in an attempt to deal with the death of her daughter. Enjoying her picturesque new environment, she finds a Bulgarian girl Radka (Marina Stoimenova) sleeping rough in her church and with her mothering instincts firmly in tact her natural reaction is to protect her. Rebecca takes over Radka’s English classes at local community centre St. Piran’s and the two become close.
As Radka’s dependence on Rebecca grows, Rebecca’s motivation to help her becomes more uncertain: reminded of her deceased daughter, she offers to become Radka’s guardian but neglects to tell her she has another daughter Eloise (Dakota Blue Richards).
Ignoring Radka’s jealous and volatile nature, Rebecca must come to her senses quickly or risk putting her family in grave danger.


Country(ies) : UNITED KINGDOM


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