Alice and Frank have just moved to a new house in the country with their children, but as their day-to-day life takes its course, Alice notices that Frank is worried about something. He only opens up to her gradually and the more he reveals about himself, the less Alice wants to know about the truth; that he is increasingly attracted to men. As the shadow of their former life dwells on them, and their 18 year old marriage comes to an abrupt halt, she discovers he has concealed a relationship with his new lover and she promptly expels him from the family home. Faced with the helplessness of her situation, Alice must choose between two paths; that of breaking up her family, or attempt to solve their difference and consider whether reconciliation with her husband is at all possible.
For her debut feature, Claudia Lorenz uses simple scenes to tell of everyday family life – unspectacular, subtle and humane, sometimes sad, sometimes sanguine and has put together a highly distinguished crew and cast. In addition to award-winning co-author Rolando Colla, with female lead Ursina Lardi (Traumland, Akte Grüninger, Der Verdingbub, Das Weisse Band), male lead Dominique Jann (Die Standesbeamtin, Luftbusiness) and supporting male Antonio Buil (Milky Way, Operation Libertad, Coeur Animal).