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Completed - Drama - 86 minutes

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Based on the Pulitzer Prize winning report on the massacre of Korean civlians by U.S. soldiers during the Korean War, A LITTLE POND brings to life the story of the Korean villagers as they seek refuge from the war by fleeing south.

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2009 (Debut)
Full history

Year of production : 2009

Director(s) : Sang Woo LEE
Writer(s) : Sang Woo LEE
Producer(s) : Woo Jung LEE (Nogunri Production)


The Korean War is not going well for the U.S. North Korean troops poured across the border on June 25 and quickly routed the South Korean army and a small advisory U.S. force. Seoul fell in three days. The U.S. quickly sends troops from Japan confident that the war will be over in three weeks, but almost a month into the war, the U.S. army is making a hasty disorganized retreat South to the southern-most city of Pusan
On the path to Pusan lies a small southern village. The U.S. army arrives and orders all the villagers out, warning that war is coming to their village. Some 500 make their way south, children on their backs, carts laden with belongings.
Word is circulating among the U.S. forces that North Korean soldiers may be hiding among the South Korean refugees. As the villagers walk along a railroad near a neighboring village, American planes swoop in without warning and strafe and bomb the civilians, killing many.
In the ensuing chaos, U.S. soldiers force the 400 or so surviving villagers under a railroad bridge.
Then over three days, a greater tragedy occurs...


Country(ies) : KOREA (South)

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