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Completed - SPANISH - unknown - 84 minutes


Thanks to a radio contest, a girl wins four vacation days in a huge hotel in Ostende, in the Buenos Aires province. It’s the low season, and she gets to the place alone. Her boyfriend will join her a few days later. On the beach there’s plenty of sun but also too much wind; and a not very sophisticated bar with a waiter that talks too much. In this place with no obligations or big attractions apart from a windy beach nearby and the not-so-tempting ocean, the girl starts to pay attention –maybe too much, maybe not enough– to some strange attitudes by an old man who’s accompanied by two young women. Her boyfriend arrives, and he interrupts like a representative of the outside world, that same world she has been slowly distancing from in just couple of days to enter with pleasure –with the adrenaline of curiosity– into this beach-set, intriguing micro-cosmos that might be filled with stories she doesn’t know. On the contrary, Laura Citarella shows in her debut film that she does know stories, and that’s why she flirts with Hitchcock and Rohmer from a feminine, light, and graceful perspective.


Country(ies) : ARGENTINA

Festivals and Awards

BAFICI (Buenos Aires) 2011 (Premio Cronistas Argentinos)
Rome FF 2011
Viennale 2011
Viennale 2011

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