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Completed - SPANISH - First film - 85 minutes

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Life & death in a transcendental film of the rare kind

Year of production : 2013

Director(s) : Leonardo BRZEZICKI
Writer(s) : Leonardo BRZEZICKI
Producer(s) : Leonardo BRZEZICKI (Rewind My Future), Ginevra ELKAN (ASMARA films)


About the film (by CPH PIX)
Miguel was obsessed with recording sounds.
The silence in an empty church, the sound of a train, his dreams.
And now his recordings are everything his young group of friends and ex-girlfriends have left of him. After his suicide, they meet on a farm in Argentina's dense forests to pack his things, while his recordings hang like a ghost of sound in the mist and twilight that enshrouds the film.
But Miguel's absence doesn't bring the people he has left behind any closer to each other.
On the contrary, the tensions smoulder and rage in Leonardo Brzezicki's hypnotic fever dream of a film, whose hauntingly beautiful images throw a surreal glow on the pale bodies, which restlessly stray around in the densely grown nature in search of a form of (at least sexual) redemption, which refuses to materialise.
Gloomy and lingering, romantic and fatal. 'Night' is a total sensory experience with a phenomenal soundtrack, which creeps in on you from all sides.
A transcendental film of the rare kind that is meant to be seen in the dark space of the cinema.


Country(ies) : ARGENTINA

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