The film is a crime, social drama with dark comedy elements based on true characters and events. It tells the story of small time weed dealer, Vangelis, who goes through life selling weed, and chasing after easy sex. Though a bit of a poser, he is really a cool, harmless type, who would rather have a steady job than continue a life in petty crime. However his previous arrest record does not leave him much choice. When his neighbors threaten to call the cops on him, his life changes overnight, as he is forced to leave his house and drop his stash while none of his friends and collaborators want anything to do with him. Alone and penniless, he takes refuge at his estranged sister's house where he meets her fiance, Petros, who is a bouncer with strong ties to the local underworld. Petros offers Vangelis a way out, by involving him in various crime deals, He promises security, easy money and respect among the people of the underworld. But there's a price to pay... and Vangelis is not sure he wants to pay it.
“Amercement” is a screenplay of American structure and Balkan problematic. The story is based on existing persons and events. The actual persons involved, have contributed to this screenplay with interviews and reference material to bring the film as close to real life as possible.
Violence and drugs are not the main theme of the film but rather the setting which allows us to see our characters evolve. “Amercement” is an anthropocentric story, playing with the roles of male and female, and bringing widely accepted social norms like “sexism”, “machismo”, “homophobia”, and “success “through easy money” up against real life relationships and the effect they have on our main characters.