SATANAS (Past Film)
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Completed - SPANISH - Drama - 95 minutes

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Based on real events that took place in Colombia in 1986 and on the Colombian Best Seller of the same title by Mario Mendoza, the film explores three interconnected stories illustrating collusion of events in a tragic and dark urban world.

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2009 (Debut)
Full history

Year of production : 2006

Director(s) : Andres BAIZ
Writer(s) : Andres BAIZ
Cast : Damian ALCAZAR, Blas JARAMILLO, Marcela MAR

Producer(s) : Rodrigo GUERRERO (DYNAMO CAPITAL)


The film tells three different but intermingled stories that serve to illustrate the connec-tion of events in a world rather dark and tragic. The chain reactions generated by some always reaching innocent others.
The film is based in tragic events that took place in Colombia in 1986 and in the Colom-bian best seller “Satanás” by Mario Mendoza.
“Satan” is a solid production in the context of the new Colombian cinema. It represented Colombia in the Spanish Film Awards (Premios Goya) and was the Colombian selection for the 2008 Oscars.
It was a top ten hit in Colombia in 2007, beating several 2007 Hollywood blockbusters.


Country(ies) : COLOMBIA

Start of shooting : September 2006

Festivals and Awards

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