DISTR Theatrical, SPAIN
Local title : EL INCENDIO  ;  Release date : Apr 15, 2016
More Information

Completed - SPANISH - First film, Drama - 95 minutes

Year of production : 2015

Director(s) : Juan SCHNITMAN
Writer(s) : Augustina LIENDO

Producer(s) : Barbara FRANCISCO (Pasto Films)


Lucía and Marcelo are thirty years old. They carry around a hundred thousand dollars in cash on the way to pay for their first home. But the seller can’t make it to the signing and postpones to the next day. Distressed and frustrated, they head back to their old rented apartment and hide the money for safekeeping. They try to pretend that it is a day like any other. But it’s actually quite the opposite. Lucía sneaks out to her workplace in the kitchen of a restaurant, witnesses a fight between workmates and winds up in the hospital. Once back home, she gets into a brief, tense argument with Marcelo, who is suddenly summoned to the school where he teaches. The parents of a student have accused him of grabbing their son by the neck in an altercation. After dropping by his family home and talking with his brother, a calmer Marcelo returns to the apartment only to find the money out on the table and Lucía crying, suggesting they break up. Sad and upset, they decide to attend a friend’s dinner party but cannot bring themselves to go together. Arriving separately, the situation comes to a boil, first in front of their friends and then with only the two of them in a back room in a mixture of sex and violence. Later, back home, Lucía starts packing in order to leave and Marcelo smashes the furniture. As they fight over the money, the bills are spread all around them. Marcelo threatens a meddling neighbor with a gun. Their energy spent, they pick up the money from the floor and Marcelo breaks down. The next day, hurt and sleepless, they go and finally buy their new home.


Country(ies) : ARGENTINA

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Festivals and Awards

Berlinale - Berlin IFF 2015 Panorama

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