Completed - ENGLISH, SPANISH - First film
“The Incredibles” tells the story of three everyday heroes: Broken Wing, The Iron Lady and Radioactive Woman. Three people who endure the adversities of life and who struggle against the most terrible villains: death, lovelessness and loneliness.
Year of production : 2012 Director(s) : David VALERO Producer(s) : Juanjo GIMENEZ (Salto de Eje), Luisa ROMEO (Frida Films)
The Incredibles tells us the story of three everyday heroes. Three lives that intersect in a fight for survival. A woman who is more the 94 years old, a girl with a terminal illness and a man looking for love, all fighting to overcome death. We follow them through their everyday lives, complicated journeys full of suffering and rejection. But they never hang their heads, never give up, they keep fighting to find happiness, because they are heroes…
Country(ies) : SPAIN
San Sebastian FF 2012 New Directors