"Attempt One" unfolds in 2005, depicting the lives of three individuals thrust into an unwelcome predicament. Set in a small village within the UP-Bihar region, Jay and Beeja find themselves without employment amidst an environment rife with criminal activity and lucrative gains. Enticed by the prospect of easy money, they reluctantly accept an advance payment of Rs 5000 from a mysterious benefactor, oblivious to the task at hand. Despite initial reservations, Beeja seizes the advance, leading them into a scheme involving the temporary confinement of a kidnapped individual.
Caught off-guard by the unexpected responsibility, Jay reluctantly complies, initiating preparations with Beeja. As they procure necessary supplies and secure a suitable location for the captive, their amateurish approach yields humorous missteps. Meanwhile, glimpses into the kidnapped man's personal struggles, including his longing for his estranged wife, add depth to the narrative.
Tensions escalate when Jay, conflicted by the directive to eliminate their captive, hesitates. Amidst escalating events, the kidnapped individual seizes an opportunity to flee, ultimately thwarting Jay and Beeja's amateur foray into criminality. Despite their failed attempt, it becomes evident that their moral compasses prevented them from fully embracing a life of crime. Integral to the climax is Daisy, Beeja's girlfriend, whose actions facilitate the captive's escape, further underscoring the theme of moral redemption.