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Development - FARSI - Documentary - 90 minutes

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Near Tehran stands the Razi psychiatric hospital, a microcosm of Iranian society. By telling its story, the film tells the story of Iran. Each step down these haunted corridors reveals the scars of a tumultuous past, shedding a unique light on the present.

Year of production : 2025

Director(s) : Nader T. HOMAYOUN, Sam KALANTARI
Writer(s) : Nader T. HOMAYOUN


The notion of madness, a complex concept, often defies social norms, emerging from our perception of the other and of authority. In a society marked by decades of instability, such as Iran, this boundary between norm and deviance becomes even more blurred.Iran's political and social upheavals, notably the 1979 revolution, have profoundly influenced its societal dynamics. Authoritarian regimes have dictated every aspect of daily life, while resistance to these imposed norms has often led to acts of rebellion.
At the heart of this turmoil lies the Razi psychiatric hospital, a microcosm of Iranian society. Its dilapidated buildings and dark corridors make it a refuge for those who have crossed the invisible line between sanity and madness. Spread over more than 100 hectares, it embodies this duality. Nestled on the outskirts of the tumultuous capital, Tehran, it emerges like a green sanctuary in the midst of urbanity, recalling its majesty among oak trees and sacred mountains.
Our exploration begins in the shadows of Razi, where the shattered hopes of patients are locked away in dusty drawers of a large pillbox engraved with black-and-white photos of the guests of this old castle. Through the eyes of our camera, we penetrate the depths of this establishment, where men and women are divided, where urgency rubs shoulders with chronicity.
Suicide attempts, parricides, incest and rape victims, war survivors, repeat offenders, and those cracking under political and economic pressure, make Razi the theater of Iranian society's inner struggles. Our team will plunge into the heart of this raw reality, capturing every moment, every crisis, every flash of lucidity in this world of shadows and torment.
For days, weeks and months, our camera, in total immersion, will set about capturing life in Razi without interruption. Whether it's a rainy day or a scorching heat wave, whether it's the hustle and bustle of daily life or the quiet of the night, whether it's a holiday, a celebration or an ordinary day, we'll be there. We'll be capturing the unsettling moments of family visits, the outbursts of despair during temporary crises, the seclusion in every corner of the hospital. From the patients' rooms to the medical staff's offices, from peaceful outdoor spaces like the park, to convivial moments around meals, cigarette breaks, quiet moments in the shower or even visits to the hairdresser. Our aim is to capture life at Razi to paint an authentic and complete picture of this complex and often misunderstood world.
For in telling the story of Razi, we tell the story of Iran itself. Each step down these haunted corridors reveals the scars of a tumultuous past, offering a unique insight into the present.
In this way, Razi becomes much more than just a psychiatric hospital. It's a dark mirror of the human condition, where the line between sanity and madness blurs in the meandering darkness of a country that doesn't like to reveal its stigma.


Country(ies) : FRANCE, IRAN

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