The story takes place in the city of Buenos Aires in the present day. It begins when Elton (48), who is a lawyer and lives in Oberá, visits his best friend Sabrina (48) for a few days, with the aim of making her home base while he looks for an apartment for himself and a new job. Sabrina is also a lawyer, is married to Martín (50), and has a 17-year-old daughter named Lola. In the story, the book “The Street That Changed My Plans”, which I authored, is published. Since Elton read the book, in digital format, he was deeply moved by the love story between the characters of Elton and Mauro. And besides feeling identified with the main character, who has the same name as him, he clings to the idea of finding someone special. Sabrina and her husband want to introduce Elton to a friend they consider a great candidate. When Elton meets him he already knows it's not that way and would rather stay single than date without the chemistry he's looking for. One day, he finds his bedside book in printed format and when he arrives at the store where it is kept, he meets Mauro (50), the store manager. And then, as soon as they look at each other, time stops and magic happens.
This contemporary urban romantic comedy raises as its main theme love at 50, and the dichotomy between continuing to cling to romance or settling for other important qualities when establishing a relationship, even when that teen chemistry is not present.
This is a human story, I am interested in exploring in depth the desires, frustrations and yearnings of these characters who have already gone through the first stages of life, and I want to narrate how they face their own fears and failures to throw themselves into the void of believing and starting over again.
This series of 8 chapters x 30 minutes will be filmed in natural scenarios in the city of Buenos Aires. The film "Before Sunrise" and the HBO series "Looking" are direct references to the image treatment I want to give to the series.