TEN YEAR (Past Film)
SALES All rights, World
More Information

Completed - ENGLISH - Comedy - 100 minutes

Log Line

In the vein of “The Big Chill”, a group of friends reunite ten years after their high school graduation. Love, laughter, hate, tears, breakups and make-ups are in store for the night.

Previous markets

  • Berlin EFM 2011 (Debut)
  • Cannes 2011 (Line up)
  • Toronto 2011 (Premiere)
  • AFM 2011 (Screening)
Full history

Year of production : 2011

Director(s) : Jamie LINDEN
Writer(s) : Jamie LINDEN
Cast : Anthony MACKIE, Brian GERAGHTY, Channing TATUM, Chris PRATT, Justin LONG, Kate MARA, Ron LIVINGSTON, Rosario DAWSON

Producer(s) : Channing TATUM, Marty BOWEN, Wyck GODFREY


Country(ies) : USA

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Festivals and Awards

Toronto - TIFF 2011 Special Presentations

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