Production - ENGLISH, SINHALE - True Story, Documentary, Social issues - 120 minutes
A terrorist plot to blow up the Sydney Harbour Bridge and assassinate Australian leaders, a global news story about victory over Islamic terrorism, an overseas student, a love triangle, jealousy, 30 days of solitary confinement for an innocent man before freedom.
Year of production : 2023 Director(s) : Anupam SHARMA Producer(s) : Anupam SHARMA (FILMS & CASTING TEMPLE PTY. LTD)
Antiterrorist forces swoop in to the UNSW campus to arrest Kamer - a popular, 25-year-old Muslim student from Sri Lanka - for allegedly planning terrorist attacks on iconic Australian landmarks and politicians. Politicians went overboard along with the media on how they have ‘won’ a fight against terror. Amidst the media hype and bravado, they walked right into a trap. The overseas student, the police and the media were all set up. A fellow Muslim colleague arranged this elaborate set up, preying on Muslim stereotypes. His motivation? Not religion, but rather jealousy and unreciprocated love. While this may sound like a Hollywood film, this is a real story and the tale at the centre of our documentary. FRAMED explores how media and political hype hinder the path of justice by harming rather than helping the process. How it leads to pressures on the authorities to ‘go with the flow’, how, if you are part of the investigative team, it is hard to ‘speak out’. What safeguards exist to ensure that an innocent person is not found guilty?