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Pre-Production - ENGLISH - Drama

Previous markets

  • Cannes 2016 (Debut)
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Year of production : 2017

Director(s) : S. Siobhan MCCARTHY
Writer(s) : Wade KINLEY
Cast : Camille SULLIVAN, Tahmoh PENIKETT, Aleks PAUNOVIC, Katie BOLAND

Producer(s) : Tracey MACK (Urban Safari Entertainment Inc.), S. siobhan MCCARTHY (Red Trike Media Inc.), Neil MACDONALD, Marc STEPHENSON


Two Canadian friends, EVELYN and LUANNE arrive to a remote cabin, with a bag full of cash, to await the arrival of MACK, Evelyn’s estranged ex-husband. Mack is the middleman between the girls and a mysterious package, to be delivered by JERRY, Mack’s shady business associate. Now, the delivery won’t happen until the morning and the three are left to entertain themselves for the night. Mack brings out a sample of his new business venture, some high-octane BC bud, and the night quickly takes a left turn. Luanne, new to the experience, races out to the lake for a little night swim, leaving Mack and Evelyn alone. Mack tells Evelyn he’s heard she had a kid with the man she left him for. Evelyn, who has hidden this information, is mortified and confesses she lost custody of her son when injured in a life altering accident and hasn’t seen him in three years. Mack vows to help; they’ll just need a little money. When Mack ducks out, Evelyn is left alone with the cash, which she decides to stash, so that she can pretend it’s been lost—in order to have the means to find and retrieve her son. Luanne returns and Evelyn sends her upstairs with some pills for her “headache”, intending to take off with the money before first light. Mack returns, bolstered, and takes advantage of the alone time with Evelyn to confess that the flame, for him, has never gone out. When Evelyn rejects his advances, Mack turns to the one comfort that he’s battled the past five years to overcome—the bottle. Armed with this new courage, he launches a tirade against Evelyn—masked as a history lesson for Luanne who can’t sleep—that digs up all the nasty truths of their break-up. Evelyn fights back, destroying all of Mack’s hopes for reconciliation. In a drunken heart-to-heart between Mack and Luanne, we learn that the delivery they’re awaiting is in fact a new baby adopted on the black market. In the morning, Evelyn attempts her getaway but is thwarted by a house that can’t sleep, and the news that Jerry will arrive soon, baby in tow. The money is discovered missing and Evelyn sticks to her story determined to make it work for everyone. As the clock ticks, she sends Luanne out to the lake to look for it, and then tries to charm Mack into fronting them the money from his substantive savings. He confesses he has no more money after spending it all getting clean at a rehab center in Glendale, CA. Now, both broken people, Evelyn and Mack come closer than they ever have before. This reverie is quickly broken when Jerry arrives, demanding the money. Mack attempts to diffuse the situation but is knocked out by an increasingly agitated Jerry. He suspects he’s been lied to—the one thing he can’t abide by—and as punishment threatens to kill the baby, which finally makes Evelyn give up the ghost. But it is too late, and Jerry takes the baby out to the lake to drown it. As Evelyn struggles to revive Mack to go after Jerry, Luanne returns with blood on her hands. Jerry lies dead at the lake.


Country(ies) : CANADA

Financing plan : SuperChannel, Creative BC, Yukon Film and Sound

Start of shooting : June 2017

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